This is Evie's second year at Pennyroyal Academy, a three year version of Hogwarts that trains Princesses and Knights in a boot camp-type setting, complete with a fairy drill sergeant. Princesses main weapons are courage and love and they prevail against witches. However, since the academy regularly kicks out girls who are unworthy of becoming princesses, some of the unhappy flunkees have made their own secret society of unhappy campers who are opposed to the princesses. This story, like the first, is full of action, adventure, bravery from the princesses, who include Basil, the 22nd son of a woman who wanted one of her children to become a princess. Evie, who was raised by dragons, learned last school year that her father had been a king, but his second wife and her daughter were witches. Evie has a major identity crisis. Who is she really? Dragon, princess, witch's sister? Will she be able to enjoy her second year at school with her friends or will things all fall apart? I enjoyed this second book and I think that middle grade students will enjoy it also. I look forward to the next book.