Terra lives in a spaceship called Asherah that left a dying earth 500 years previously headed towards a planet that they call Zehava. Asherah contains an entire environment complete with 3 seasons, dirt, plants growing, snow and 27 hour days. The ship is run by an aristocratic counsel that is challenged by a hidden group that calls themselves the Children of Abel. As they draw near to Zehava, eager to land and live in a new world, the actions of the group intensify. The counsil choses people's jobs for them at age 16 and even their spouse if they don't chose one by age 18. Everyone must marry and have two children - a boy and a girl, who are grown in the hatchery because it would be too dangerous for women to have to give birth. The Children of Abel want freedom on Zehava from the counsel which has extended it's powers over the past 500 years. Terra gets caught up in the political mess and becomes a key player after witnessing a murder that was written off as an accident.
The people in this spaceship are descendants of secular Jews and they use Jewish terminology, but not the Jewish religion.
The story is ok, but some parts are not explained well leaving the book a bit confusing.
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