This is yet another fabulous adventure in the life of Princess Magnolia - a sparkly, beautiful princess with a secret life as a ninja superhero monster fighter. I just love that. On the day of her birthday party to which she had invited 12 other sparkly princesses as her guests, the monster alarm goes off repeatedly and she has to slip in and out of disguise as the Princess In Black, sneaking away from her party guests to save the goats from being eaten by monsters. Along with her faithful steed, Frimplepants the unicorn, who transforms to Blacky, the Princess In Black's faithful pony, she struggles to fight monsters without having her party guests figure out her secret. She distracts her guests with fun games and races in order to do so. The illustrations are cute and the story is totally awesome! This book is excellent for beginner readers and is totally fun for all readers to enjoy. I received this book free to review from Netgalley.
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