I received this book as an e-book free to review from Netgalley. I would love to have a paper copy of it because - well, I prefer hard copies of cookbooks and it is so beautiful and useful. The book has recipes arranged by seasons and is beautifully adorned with photographs of vegetables growing in gardens, freshly picked, and cooked in recipes. On the bottom of each recipe page is an area to write your own notes. The recipes are often unique - like fried lemons and bacon popped popcorn, contain lots of butter and heavy cream and have good cooking tips. I learned that you can put lettuce in soup, and that if you soak potato wedges in ice water for 30 minutes before baking them, they come out crispy without being deep fried. I would have liked to see more photographs of the actual recipes themselves because I could not figure out how the summer squash lasagna rolls would work - does squash hang out the ends? I think this is a lovely cookbook that contains delicious recipes and I highly recommend it.
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