This is a fast paced, middle grade fantasy adventure book. Thirteen year old Ronan Truelove, whose actual first name is Evelyn, has been taking self-defense and other classes since he got beat up for being named Evelyn in kindergarten. When his up until now ordinary mom unexpectedly picks him up from school on a day that he would usually walk to his gymnastics lesson and takes him on a hair-raising car chase during which she drives down a flight of stairs and acts like a ninja, he learns that she is part of a secret society called the Blood Guard that protects the good guys from the bad guys. She gives him a train ticket and when he survives and makes it onto the train, one of his classmates, Greta is also there and they wind up in the adventure together, running from the bad guys and trying to save the good guys. It is a good thing that Greta's dad is in the FBI and has taught her how to pick locks. Both the good guys and the bad guys have some awesome and bizarre paranormalish super powers. I enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading the next one. I received this book free to review from Netgalley.
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